Open Streets Day activates over 100 cities in its first edition
In the run-up to the first Open Streets Day, the ISCA team invited the public to contemplate – if you had the streets to yourself for a day, what would you do?
On the days surrounding 22 September, their answers came in the form of 172 events across the globe. While no two events were identical, they all shared a common message: public urban space can and should be used for physical activity, socialising and fun.
The first Open Streets Day campaign activated 104 cities in 31 countries, spreading far beyond its home in Europe. New Zealand, United States, Russia, Mexico and many other countries in all corners of the world got on board to promote active lifestyle and sustainable commuting.
Even though the official date of Open Streets Day is on 22 September as it coincides with World Car-Free day and serves as a bridge between European Mobility Week and European Week of Sport, we encourage you to keep your city active all year round!
Open Streets Day is supported by Erasmus+ Sport Not-forProfit Events.
See our short wrap-up video below