Serbia 22.09

Serbia 22.09.

Our Open Streets Day is promotion the BIKE START an educational programme for young cyclists. There will be a competition with students from 17 elementary schools, from the municipality Palilula in Belgrade. We expect around 200-300 cyclists who will show their cycling skills on a special polygon. The best ones, in 3 categories depending on age, will be awarded. At the event there will furthermore be a musical program with younger children playing with kites, possibilities to make drawings on the street and playing with Frisbee.

The Open Streets Day is going to be a great event with different activities, where cycling is promotion a good way of transportation but also a fantastic and fun physical activity that encourages people to use the urban areas and public spaces.

Contact person:Mirko Radovanac

The concept of Open Streets Day is built into the name of the project: on 22 September 2019 public streets and urban areas of European cities will be transformed into venues for recreational physical activity. Local community members are invited to take the initiative and organise events that are relevant and interesting to residents of their area. As an organiser, you are free to choose an event theme ranging from simple ideas, like rope-skipping contests, to something more elaborate like a mass participation cycling ride.

With the Car-Free Day also scheduled on 22 September as a part of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, Open Streets Day events may take advantage of the already existing road closures and make the experience even more memorable by letting residents discover their neighbourhood from a different perspective.

Serving as a bridge between European Mobility Week and European Week of Sport, Open Streets Day will promote environmentally-friendly modes of active transport, as well as encourage citizens to celebrate the joy of being active. Open Streets means opening up the public space to movement which also means open minds – and that is why the events are meant to be accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

What is the purpose of Open Streets Day?

The Open Streets Day is one of our brand new events, that we are organising, as an official European Week of Sport event. The concept of the Open Streets Day is designed to build a bridge between Mobility Week and European Week of Sport. It will focus on using public streets for citizens’ activities and mobility, and thus celebrate both the heathy and environmentally friendly modes of transport, and the broader benefits of physical activity. In addition, Open Streets Day is part of the year-round ISCA campaign NowWeMOVE, which has the vision of getting 100 million more Europeans active in sport or physical activity by 2020.

Open Streets Day is an event supporting the European Week of Sport

Open Streets Day National partners